וולדה תאיר - מתקשרת ומרפאה סלילי ד.נ.א ורסיסי נשמה. טלפון 072-2285896
Testemonials - thank you letters

Thanks to Valda

Dear Valda,
Yesterday, under your guidance, I went through a process that shattered my consciousness.
I am in awe from the magnificence of the Creator and the powers of healing that he has bestowed upon you, and the magnitude of the mission you have in global and personal healing.
Yesterday, we overcame an obstruction that has been with me for the past 22 years!
During these years I saw countless healers, rabbis, spiritualist, fortune tellers and many more. None of them could tell me what was obstructing and sabotaging my life.
I look back and think it could all have been so different, but at the same time I realize that only now can I really make the change and assume responsibility which is part of my healing process, and the Creator has summoned you as my guide.
Since we all originate from one soul I understand how my state of mind had affected others in my vicinity. Suddenly I can see other souls that are in the same state of obstruction as a result of my own. And this is where emotions overcome me.
The Sages say that “whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world” ., and you, with the permission of the Creator, have saved my soul, you relieved me of a 22 year old burden. I find it hard to express the immense hope I now have, the intensity of my thanks and amazement.
I’m sure you can sense it in your humility and modest ways.
Bless you, bless you, bless you,
Words from one heart to another.

During our last meeting several days ago you guided me through a channeling and healing strands of DNA.
I must say that I feel the healing activated immediately, as by a magic wand. Both the physical me, and my spiritual being are calm and healthy. This healing process was very powerful, true, profound, exact and wonderful - something became very clear to the cells and strands.
Never before had I experienced the potent love and healing of G-d in this way.
Thank you for being who you are, the guides that brought you to me, and to the Creator that made such a spiritual leap possible in this incarnation.
Amazing work, keep at it!
Thank you – Anya

My experience with Valda is of pure salvation.
When I met Valda I was completely depleted of energy, worn out, nothing was going
right in my life and my self esteem was low.
I was unhappy at work, suffered unbearable headaches, I was moody, I suffered extreme physical unbalance and my relationship with my husband and our family life were at a crisis.
The first treatment was powerful, I felt my head burning, as if something was extracted from me violently, I cried without restraint.
After the treatment Valda asked me if I knew anyone who had died recently. I answered that an acquaintance that loved me and admired me very much died from cancer 3 years ago.
Valda explained that this man wanted to stay in this world and chose to do so through me.
It was his illness that was causing my intollerable suffering. During the healing the guides extorted him from within me.
Immediately after the treatment, and from then on, my life has changed. The head aches disappeared, I regained my physical balance, vitality and life in general took on a positive attitude.
I continue going to treatments and guidance because I want to empower my life in this incarnation.
I learned how to retrieve lost particles of my soul and practice doing so daily.
I corrected my soul contract with which I was borne.
As a result I opened-up to the infinite spiritual world and I’m learning with great thirst and passion. I have found my calling.
I am indebted to Valda for the quality of my life. I do not exaggerate when I say that she has helped me save my health, realize my potential, and through spiritual guidance correct those pitfalls I fell into time and again.
I can testify that I went to countless spiritual healers, but the intensity of Valda’s powers
is unmatched.
I love you Valda,
Anat G.

Love from the Creator

ליצירת קשר עם וולדה תאיר.

לפורום של וולדה תאיר, לשאלות ותשובות הכנסו.

האתר של וולדה תאיר - להתחבר למודעות ולפנימיות, לגלות ולרפא את הגוף-נפש, להחזיר לנשמה את ניצוצות האור על מנת לאחד
את הנשמה יחד. התמחות בשאמאניזם, שחזור גלגולים, חוזה נשמה, לידה רוחנית, התנקות מדיבוק רוחני, טיהור רוחני עם
עופרת, תמציות פרחי באך, פרחי בודהה,רפואת תדרים,קריסטלים, דמיון מודרך, ריפוי בצלילים, מדיטציות ומודעות עצמית.
הטיפול מתאים לכל אחד, לכל סוג של בעיה פיזית או רגשית שגורמת לתקיעות בחיים, ביחד נתרפא מהעבר וביחד נעבוד על הווה
והעתיד. הרצאות בכל התחומים. מיוחד לילדים – אבחון בקלפי הנשמה. מטפלת גם בילדים עם הפרעות של קשב וריכוז,
היפראקטיביות, בטחון ודימוי עצמי נמוך ועוד...
פרופיל מקצועי ואישי בפורטל אלטרנטיב-לי.

אם הגעת לאתר זה אולי יעניין אותך גם: בריאות רפואה משלימה רוחניות כלים לחיים טובים מיסטיקה

שתף עם חברים, שלח למייל, קבל חוות דעת ועוד

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