וולדה תאיר - מתקשרת ומרפאה סלילי ד.נ.א ורסיסי נשמה. טלפון 072-2285896

September 2013


Channeling with the Light of the Creator

To be consistent the words Essence and Experience were chosen yet they have additional meaning which should be considered with regard to this channeling.
Essence refers to the spiritual aspect - spirit, soul, life-force
Experience is the knowledge, understanding and capabilities that are attached to it.

The Soul remembers as if was the Soul of all Creation. It is the breath of Creation beating and echoing through the entire universe as if it's was its heart beating. The Soul is the Essence and Experience of the universe.

When the soul is in the sublime levels, the heartbeat of Creation itself, it wonders will it be capable of experiencing the universe on a sublime level when descending to Earth? How will the universe experience
the soul when it descends to Earth?
Just as you are not conscious of your breathing or your soul in its physical capacity, similarly the universe is not conscious of the soul in its highest essence and existence.
The soul chooses to descend to Earth so that it can enable the universe to experience it on broader more powerful levels.
We will help you understand the essence of Spirit and Earth.

The Essence
The spiritual Essence of the Soul is a part of the universe and humanity. It needs both in order to experience; similarly, the soul also needs humanity in order to experience and cannot do it as a separate entity. The spiritual existence of the Soul is aware that it is experiencing an intense connection with its own essence.

The experiences of the spiritual Soul are minimal and scant compared to those it experiences when it is on Earth. This means that its essence is much higher compared to what it experiences.
A soul chooses to descend into a body because it wishes to broaden its capacity for spiritual experience. Descending into a body is a brave choice, as it understands that by doing so it reduces the essence and increases the experience, as there are experiences that we exercise through sentiments and feelings in strange and intense forms. The experiences are not always pleasant, good or embracing; sometimes they are even frightening to the soul.
The soul asks itself consciously: how did I agree to be in the body and experience myself with such intensity?
When on Earth the soul may often escape its essence (spirituality) in order to contend with its experiences. Bear in mind that to be present in a body, connecting with the soul, is the most powerful things a soul can experience.
A soul chooses repeatedly to descend because it wants to re-experience feelings: anger frustration, pain, disappointment or happiness and joy since the previous time it did not learn how to contain the experience and become the essence of that same experience.
The soul then chooses to descend and re-experience the same feelings only this time through a different scenario and see whether this time it will succeed containing itself and make the change. The Soul understands that when it is in the universe, bodiless, its Essence is powerful but its experience is weak, whereas if it increases its experience by choosing to be on Earth, its experience in celestial spheres will increase as well.

The Soul's Evolution and Development
What does the soul seek to achieve from eternity, if it originates in eternity?
When the soul is in eternity it is in a state of essence, where it only receives. It wants to broaden the experience so it can both receive and give.
The Soul wants to be the presence of the essence's experience.
The soul detaches from the essence/being in order to embody its experiences and increase them for a time when it will return to celestial spheres. The accumulation of experience as part of the essence of one's being becomes a spiritual experience - it is the soul's reward.
The experiences that it collects enable it to be both receiver and giver in all eternity.
A soul that is conscious of the process will treat it at its own pace, which we must respect. This is the evolution of the soul from top to bottom and vice versa, and the soul can experience its incarnation regardless if it's on Earth or in higher spheres.

The soul's feeling of reduction
A Soul that incarnates into a body experiences reduction. It recalls eternity and feels an "end". For some souls gravity is difficult and they need time to become accustomed to Earth. There are souls that wonder why they had chosen to enter the body and be part of the experience when they are fully aware they arrived from somewhere with more options.
The reason for these questions is that the Soul has forgotten the reason for which it has descended. The reason for the reduction is that the soul can only contain so much. When the soul have an over dose of material experiences it may collapse and not be able to sustain itself - the lesson then turns into frustration, which in turn can be a reason to express anger, loneliness, outbursts, impatience, apathy and illness. The excess experiences which the soul has trouble digesting becomes a burden that prevents it from reaching the essence.
Each soul has its own time and method of developing and you should refrain from overloading and pressuring it because it will not be able to contain.
Accept the process each and every moment with love, embrace yourselves, accept yourselves, be proud of your choice. It doesn't matter where each and every one of you is on the ladder of development. What you have done to date is brave, commendable and all embracing.
Contain yourselves and you will realize that to achieve your goal to develop and experience the essence of experience you need to embrace yourselves, accept, contain and love yourselves. Remember your commitment to experience on Earth in order to broaden the spiritual experience.

Be blessed,
Valda Shasha

The above was dictated to Valda Shasha, transcribed by Anat Gross in Hebrew, then translated into English
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לפורום של וולדה ששה, לשאלות ותשובות הכנסו.

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והעתיד. הרצאות בכל התחומים. מיוחד לילדים – אבחון בקלפי הנשמה. מטפלת גם בילדים עם הפרעות של קשב וריכוז,
היפראקטיביות, בטחון ודימוי עצמי נמוך ועוד...
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שתף עם חברים, שלח למייל, קבל חוות דעת ועוד

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