וולדה תאיר - מתקשרת ומרפאה סלילי ד.נ.א ורסיסי נשמה. טלפון 072-2285896
The X-ray frequency

The X-ray frequency

As of 13/12/10 the frequency that governs our actions is known as the X-ray frequency.

This frequency scans the soul from top to bottom exposing all inhibitions. We shall feel naked and transparent. Healers that will adjust to the frequency will sense that their diagnostic abilities are much sharper.
People who cannot contain it will experience fear, an existential anxiety, alienation, confusion and a even wish to leave this world. People who will be ready to connect to the X-ray frequency agree that the light will show them the way. People are feeling that time is changing, a lot can be done, there is a vitality and lucidity of the mind, and telepathic capabilities are stronger and more powerful.
This period is called “The Time of Light”. Until today you have distinguished between time and light. For us time is a frequency of light and once you learn how to connect the two, to abandon the illusion of your being separated and unite, with the light, you then can reach out and achieve anything that you wish to.
The frequency activating us known as “frequency of humanity” is changing. This is due to the changes in the Earth’s rotation caused by the strong convergence to other galaxies that are approaching us. Mother Earth is being hurled, changing its vibrations and adjusting itself to that of the approaching galaxies are synchronized with the same light.

A Message from Mother Earth
I Mother Earth call out to you, humans, from the depth of the earth where through me you are buried and reborn. As Mother Earth I am honored to be responsible for maintaining the equilibrium of all four directions which is becoming more difficult as the galaxies converge or in your words the formation of “the fifth element”. The universe is undergoing change and we must adjust our frequency to blend-in and be part of the general rhythm.
These forces of change are causing violent phenomena. To heal and keep the equilibrium of the four directions I need your love. Until now you perceived existing in the third element. Your perception of the elements wind, earth, air and fire was of separate entities. The element that enters the meridian is unity – the unity projected by you I will receive as a channel of love. Earth needs the unity of souls so that I as mother earth can prevent the earthquakes, great fires, the floods. I need the power of the unity of all souls to maintain the equilibrium of the four directions which the galaxies converge.

Firstly we want to talk about the unity of the soul within the individual and then expand on the subject of the soul’s unity in general.
When talking about the unity of the soul within the individual we refer to the time a person starts to examine and consider his present, what he feels he is lacking and transcends this emptiness.
These are profound psychological changes the soul undergoes through cells that are on the skin through strands of the DNA in order to achieve the unity of all cells.

The X-ray frequency can be frightening to people who are not ready to change their spiritual role. The energy is already on Earth and from how the guides see, the frequency is already processing the cells enabling us to heal memories from previous incarnations, complete cycles and correct the original sin.
Man is given the opportunity to change patterns such as addictions, dependence, depression, fear, disappointment victimization and to extract them from the imprint of the soul.
Embrace the change. We recommend saying “I am prepared to adjust to the energy descending on Earth and to let it seep through all the cells.

The Frequency of the Unity of the Soul
The frequency of “the unity of the soul” descended between 2/1/11 and 28/1/11 enabling any person willing and capable to collect the lost particles of their soul. People in a perpetual sense of evolvement will find their soul receptive and spiritually ready to help the environment and mankind and share the light between them.
People awakening to this frequency will have an intensive sense of light. People that lack awareness will sense unexplained pain from a breach of family relations and friendships and then – unity. The “unity of the soul” frequency is full of love towards you and from 2/1/11 onward will create an intense need to belong, be a part of, because the soul is collecting the lost particles uniting them. A soul that corrects through love is already whole and devoted itself to helping other souls reach sublimity. This unity is the energy that Mother Earth needs! Your unity!
When you are united you are protected from negative energies. The frequency will cancel any negative imprint and black magic affecting people who are doing the right work.
Ask to be connected “I agree to be connected to the light and the internal truth”.
Create groups – the heavens are creating new covenants and cancelling old ones.
Dear Worshipers of Light – we are paving the path you will take – we see your labor and appreciate it.
Be one with the creator
This is the way it is.
Love from the Creator
Valda Shasha

@ all rights reserved December 2010

ליצירת קשר עם וולדה תאיר.

לפורום של וולדה תאיר, לשאלות ותשובות הכנסו.

האתר של וולדה תאיר - להתחבר למודעות ולפנימיות, לגלות ולרפא את הגוף-נפש, להחזיר לנשמה את ניצוצות האור על מנת לאחד
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עופרת, תמציות פרחי באך, פרחי בודהה,רפואת תדרים,קריסטלים, דמיון מודרך, ריפוי בצלילים, מדיטציות ומודעות עצמית.
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והעתיד. הרצאות בכל התחומים. מיוחד לילדים – אבחון בקלפי הנשמה. מטפלת גם בילדים עם הפרעות של קשב וריכוז,
היפראקטיביות, בטחון ודימוי עצמי נמוך ועוד...
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