Eating Disorders
Received by Channeling from the Light of the Creator
FOOD which we refer to as DIET contains the letter TIED in the sense that it
binds and confines the person who suffers from eating disorders.
Food nourishes us when the soul enters the body. Without food and nutrition
the body neither physically survive nor become a home for the soul to
execute its corrections. Food is connected to the Mother and the female
qualities of the soul. Each time nutrition come in contact with the body,
the soul remembers that it is tied up in the body. Souls who suffer from
eating disorders experience imbalance, low vibrations, fatigue and boredom
–turning to food which in turn reminds them that they are bound by something
baser than the perfect goodness from which they originated. Health food is
food the souls have chosen consciously in order to raise the levels of their
vibrations and develop spiritually. During the years of development you have
given food a prominent social status. However, processed food which is the
product of industrial development causes food to lose its nutritious value
and became a devoid of vital vibrations. The soul is aware that food void of
vibration cannot promote its spiritual development.
The body, through its digestive system, has the knowledge of what is good
for it and what is lacking which can be diagnosed through physiological
signals such as gas, excrement, the color of the skin etc. Presently, you
are less connected to the vibration and the needs of the body often
resulting in eating for the sake of silencing the physical body and the
emotions. Presently, food is easily accessible and manageable (manger = to
eat) and the choices are more plentiful than in the past but less physically
and spiritually nourishing. The vibrations descending to Earth are much
higher that what man can achieve from easily accessible faster food. In
order to reach the spiritual level and match the frequency required - one
needs food that can sustain such needs.
The soul and body enter a vicious circle of self-punishment whereby the
food, void of nutritious value, reminds the soul that it is locked up in the
body and cannot escape it to higher levels, only to eat more food which is
void of any value.
Illnesses are directly related to the food we consume. Your body is unable
to digest and process the food you eat which jointly with the lack of
spiritual awareness and elation may evolve into physical illness.
Food is related to the frequency of the snake, the snake by tempting Eve to
eat from the fruit, convinced her to lower her frequency for being a
superior soul and diminish it into the physical, thus the fruit is a
constant reminder of her fall from perfect eternity.
Eating disorders – Anorexia
From Anonymous in Latin = lack of identity.
People suffering from Anorexia feel that they do not belong on Earth which
is a contradiction of their incarnation. These people resist food and either
lack appetite or vomit what they eat. They become empty vessels believing
that by losing their physicality they can reach a higher spiritual level and
connect with the soul. They are not willing to succumb to the physical needs
of the body and understand that it imprisons them. However the soul requires
the nourishing values provided by food. You can help these souls by
re-connecting them to the spiritual and to their acceptance of being here
and now – a soul within a body that underwent incarnations with the purpose
of learning a sublime lesson. Remind them that they must influence other
souls that like them are experiencing the present incarnation and for this
purpose they must have a physical being. Connect them to quality, healthy
food that contains vital vibrations that will elevate them physically and
spiritually. Additionally, massage or any activity engaging physical contact
will remind them of the pleasure of the right to live.
Eating disorders – Bulimia
Bulimia derives from the Greek boulimous "extreme hunger" and is
synonymous to uncontrolled behavior, an urge – it is the vibrations of souls
that want to grab all they can in this incarnation. They feed the body with
excess food to provide it with the energy frequency to accomplish all they
want. They eat in excess because they experience life in the here and now.
Excess eating feeds only the physical bodily needs causing the soul
frustration as it cannot fulfill and learn its spiritual lesson. The soul
feels betrayed and the human being compensates it with food. This food is a
source of pain for the soul that realizes its failure. Some suffering
from this eating disorder vomit the excess bulimic food they eat, sending
a message that it is no compensation for failing to realize their needs and
lessons in their material incarnation.
Although some people may require larger quantities of food for spiritual
growth – beware it is not
consumed in excess. The food you choose should be nourishing with vital and
natural properties.
It should not contain fat which accumulates from processing it.
Remember that the snake caused the souls to acquire physical form as a
result of eating. People with eating disorders – both anorectic and bulimic
– are fighting the memory of their imperfection trying to find the required
Love each other and unite in love, joy and harmony.
ליצירת קשר עם וולדה תאיר.
לפורום של וולדה תאיר, לשאלות ותשובות הכנסו.
האתר של וולדה תאיר - להתחבר למודעות ולפנימיות, לגלות ולרפא את הגוף-נפש, להחזיר לנשמה את ניצוצות האור על מנת לאחד את הנשמה יחד. התמחות בשאמאניזם, שחזור גלגולים, חוזה נשמה, לידה רוחנית, התנקות מדיבוק רוחני, טיהור רוחני עם עופרת, תמציות פרחי באך, פרחי בודהה,רפואת תדרים,קריסטלים, דמיון מודרך, ריפוי בצלילים, מדיטציות ומודעות עצמית. הטיפול מתאים לכל אחד, לכל סוג של בעיה פיזית או רגשית שגורמת לתקיעות בחיים, ביחד נתרפא מהעבר וביחד נעבוד על הווה והעתיד. הרצאות בכל התחומים. מיוחד לילדים – אבחון בקלפי הנשמה. מטפלת גם בילדים עם הפרעות של קשב וריכוז, היפראקטיביות, בטחון ודימוי עצמי נמוך ועוד... פרופיל מקצועי ואישי בפורטל אלטרנטיב-לי. |
אם הגעת לאתר זה אולי יעניין אותך גם: בריאות רפואה משלימה רוחניות כלים לחיים טובים מיסטיקה |